Saturday, November 8, 2008

Heavy weather-Pachauri and Obama on the same cloud

Be afraid, be very afraid when Rajendra Pachauri and the most powerful man on the planet are on the same wavelength-
Rajendra K. Pachauri, the Indian chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, urged Mr. Obama to demonstrate a change in U.S. energy policy. “The US now has a unique opportunity to assume leadership in meeting the threat of climate change, and it would help greatly if the new President were to announce a coherent and forward looking policy soon after he takes office. There is every reason to believe that President Obama will actually do so. This should please people across the globe, because US leadership is critical for mounting global efforts to meet this threat effectively.”

Enviro-fascists have a mole in the White House -and he's the President!

H alleluia!