A policeman lies dead drunk on the road in Delhi
(photo courtesy the ever lovely Radha)
Wouldn't we be safer if these people just lay on the road like this?
At least then they would not be raping women, bashing the skulls of hapless persons picked off the street, fattening themselves on the blood of the public and otherwise carrying off hatchet jobs (sometimes literally)for one of the most venal class of persons on earth- the Indian politicians.
The government has taken upon itself to provide us safe drinking water. It doesn't. We install water filters.
The government has taken upon itself to provide us a regular, clean supply of electricity. It doesn't. We install inverters and voltage regulators.
The government has taken upon itself to provide health care to all for free or almost free. It doesn't. We (if we can afford it) avoid government hospitals like a plague and take refuge in private nursing homes.
I think if the whole of Indian police just vanished one day, the people would find a better workable solution themselves.
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